• Save Emails is an email backup and archiving add-on for Gmail that lets you automatically download email messages and file attachments from Gmail to Google Drive. You can also save Gmail messages in shared Team Drives.
  • MCL-5546 Unable to save download or or or (caused by ByteFence).
  • Unable to download data to Excel format. Hi, I'm not able to export the contents of a screen (SE16N) to excel format. Star Office 8 calc. But, now, this selection screen gets skipped and i directly get the 'Save as' window, which has only one file format to save - XML file nm (*.ods). This format is not readable. Kindly advise.
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As a learning exercise I'm building a simple Server IP storage and ping monitor application. The application reads a list of servers/hosts from the xml file and displays them to the user and allows them the ability to ping them to check their online status.

The read and ping functionality works fine but when writing code to add an additional server instance the code won't save the new element to the xml file.

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Here's the basic XML structure in serverlist.xml:

Question: Q: Can't download an xml file to desktop - Need help. Hello, I need to save an xml file to my desktop. Each time I try, the xml file saves as a Final Cut Pro icon. And it is unable to show/translate the xml. How can I get my imac to download and upload xml properly? Download ET MARKETS APP Get ET Markets in your own language DOWNLOAD THE APP NOW. Theresa May faces pressure to step down to save Brexit. May has been unable to generate enough support in Parliament for the withdrawal.

And here is the code I've used to add a new server element:

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I'm not seeing any errors or the catch clauses, the element is just not being saved to the XML. This is probably a very simple and silly thing, but I've done a lot of googling(other search engines are available!) and research into XML functions but I can't seem to see what I've missed.


2 Answers

Your XML saving code works fine if the 'serverList.xml' file contains a valid XML document.

I have a few suggestions:

  1. If the serverList.xml file does not exist, either return after the 'No XML Available!' MessageBox OR create a new XDocument (see below)

  2. Use the SetAttribute('name', txtServerName.Text) to create the name='Operations' attribute.

  3. Make sure you are looking at the right 'serverList.xml' file. 'serverList.xml' needs to be in the same folder as the .exe that you are running. If you are debugging, then 'serverList.xml' --> $(ProjectDir)binDebugserverList.xml

Steve WongSteve Wong

The issue turned out to be the 'Copy to Output Directory' property for the serverlist.xml file. This meant that in building/rebuilding the solution during debugging the copy of the xml file was being overwritten with the fresh unmodified original xml file. So it didn't look like it had been saved at all, whereas it had but then been overwritten.

Unable to save download client-17xml for computer

Unable To Save Download Client-17xml Windows 10


Unable To Save Download Client-17xml For Windows

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